Working in Partnership
Our Partners
In the late 1960s, Hale Unity District Council approached Cheshire County Council regarding setting up a Countryside Management Service. This was to operate across administrative boundaries along the length of the River Bollin. Assistance and funding from the Countryside Commission (now part of Natural England) led to the partnership being set up.
From the outset the Bollin Valley Partnership worked with local people: individuals; farmers and landowners; groups; schools and businesses. The photograph above shows a Bollin Valley ranger tree planting with local children at Lacey Green in 1975 plus a few other historical pictures.
Over the 50 years of the Partnerships existence, we have worked with many partners, ranging from interested individuals to large grant giving bodies.
The partners can be split between our funding partners helping us fulfil our core functions and our operational partners who work with us day to day on individual schemes.
Our current funding partners are Cheshire east Council and Trafford MBC (AMEY) Any other?
Our operational partners are Environment Agency, Natural England, United Utilities, The Canal and Rivers Trust, Mersey Rivers Trust through BEACON, plus numerous local action groups such as Friends of groups, church groups, fishing clubs and anti-litter groups. Add links?